Artists / Emily Salgado

Emily Salgado

University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Percussionist Dr. Emily Salgado is active as a soloist, chamber and orchestral musician, clinician, and adjudicator. Emily has performed and premiered several works with various ensembles such as the National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan, Twin Lakes Duo, and the Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra. Her current project, Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History, features solos written by female composers [Jennifer Jolley, Molly Joyce, Shruthi Rajasekar, and Juri Seo] dedicated to female percussionists [Evelyn Glennie, Margie Hyams, Keiko Abe, Terri Lyne Carrington] whose careers helped shape the field of percussion into what it is today.

In January 2023, Emily formed Twin Lakes Duo with her friend and colleague Jimmy Stagnitti. The duo plans to tour and perform around the U.S. starting in the upcoming school year. Their most recent performance and premiere was of Emma O’Halloran’s percussion duet titled music for the small hours as part of the consortium organized by the New Works Project.

Along with percussion, Emily has also had various opportunities in the field of conducting. She marched with the drum and bugle corps Carolina Crown based out of Fort Mill, SC where she was the assistant drum major for the 2015 season and the head drum major for her age-out season in 2016. Since her age-out, Emily has been working with Crown’s Leadership Camp each summer working with high school drum majors from across the country on basic conductor and leadership skills. She also assists the corps with their drum major auditions every fall. Emily is incredibly fortunate to be returning to the corps as part of the brass staff for the upcoming 2024 DCI season.

Dr. Emily Salgado is currently the Assistant Professor of Percussion at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where she teaches both graduate and undergraduate applied lessons, directs the percussion ensemble and Nebraska Steel, and teaches other courses in percussion. Additionally, she serves on the Leadership subcommittee for the Diversity Alliance as part of the Percussive Arts Society, and is proudly endorsed by Malletech Inc. and Black Swamp Percussion.